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Oatgurt Blueberry 400ml

Oatgurt Blueberry 400ml


Oatgurt. It may sound like the noise a jungle animal makes, but it's really a spot-on name for this product. Because just like yo-gurt, oat-gurt is amazing with granola or berries or in a smoothie or in recipes, etc. And it has a similarly creamy consistency like yogurt. Yeah, both are pretty awesome. But they are not the same because yogurt is made with milk and has no oats, while Oatgurt is made with oats and has no milk, which is probably pretty obvious, but it also means Oatgurt has unsaturated fat*— the good kind, as you may have heard. Oh, and you know how most yo-gurts come in plastic pots? Oatgurt is totally different there too since it comes in a forward-thinking and progressive pot you can recycle like paper. We considered calling this product "fermented oat base" but it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Or sound anything like a jungle animal.
Water, oats 10 %, sugar 5%, potato starch, rapeseed oil, modified potato starch, blueberry juice* 1.7%, blueberry puree* 1.3%, oat fiber, potato protein, maize starch, acids (malic acid, lactic acid), carrot juice*, hibiskus juice*, lemon juice*, natural flavourings, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, salt, vitamins (D2 and B12), potassium iodide.

*From concentrate.